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作为一位著名的化学家以及一家研究实验室的拥有者,于是就开始了研究解决此疾病的解决方案。 经过多年的努力研发,Psormiss产品被研发出来,并受到了大众的普遍欢迎。如今,一款更新更好的配方产品——索醚迪克被研制出来,并被美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)列入治疗银屑病的专治OTC非处方药。 我们公司很荣幸的宣布索醚迪克产品链已经帮助许许多多的人治疗改善和减轻银屑病的困扰,帮助各个年龄段的男士女士免除病扰,提高生活质量。 The PsorMedicor journey began around the summer of 1995 when suddenly one day Mr.G woke up with psoriasis signs covering his entire body. Like any other patient he started testing many of the products available on the market, however unfortunately with minimal influence on his condition. Being a notable chemist and an owner of a research laboratory, he had immediately set to learn and develop a solution. &n... [详细介绍/Details] |